hello welcome to overwinter, kelso's home on the web! take off your shoes and make yourself at home :] overwinter is my place on the net to talk about things that interest me and practice my coding. i like video games and movies and comics and anime and such so you'll see a variety of things on here. i am also passionate about tech and media literacy among other social topics, so i may add pages about them from time to time. i'm a full time college student and this causes me to be pretty inconsistent in regards to updating this place, if i'm gone for months it's not for good, my profs are just kicking my ass!

01/19/25: added notebook page

01/14/25: added 2025 bingo :]

01/02/25: index version one strikes back!

05/21/24: added music game shrine with unfinished pjsk section

05/16/24: added horror shrine & saw page

05/09/24: updated index and added "links" page with my neighbours buttons!

05/08/24: "finished" about me page

05/06/24: added about me page


01/02/25: happy new year! i've decided it's time for index no 1 to make its grand return. some of the images have been replaced but generally it's the same as it was on day one. i like my other index's too but this one is just more fun IMO. i've mostly been planning for the new year. i have lots of reading goals and such to complete in 2025.

05/03/24: hello and welcome to overwinter today is launch day! very exciting stuff! this section is for mini updates when i have a stray thought or see something interesting that isn't long enough for me to make a new blog post about it...
LAST UPDATED: 01/02/2025
PROJECT: comic page
MOOD: tireddddd
PLAYING: persona 5 royal
WATCHING: supernatural
READING: sense & sensibility


Velvet Blue foggybear42 TheHoardsButton


kel's corner of the web since 05/03/2024 :]
say hello! searchforahero@protonmail.com
pro tip! hover over images for more information!