HELLO! welcome to overwinter, my (kelso's) personal website. overwinter was created on february 22nd 2024 from my shoebox dorm room with brackets and enough w3 schools tabs to make my laptop chug. however, overwinter actually started with a neocities site called s7r four years ago, which i made in high school during the covid-19 lockdown. even well before then i had a fascination with making carrds and sticking pictures together to make things look pretty; i also like to talk a lot so really it was a match made in heaven. overwinter is the home of my many thoughts and interests which range from superhero comics and shoujo manga to video games and horror movies and quite a few other things. my two favorite things to talk about at the time of writing are identity v and batman.

Velvet Blue foggybear42 TheHoardsButton
MOOD: happy :]
LAST UPDATED: 2025/02/22
WATCHING: supernatural s3
PLAYING: style savvy/persona 5 royal
READING: men of tomorrow
PROJECT: year of the otp february
2025/02/22 made writing page, it works on mobile!
2025/01/23 index v4 start
-comic reading log
-duke thomas shrine
-how to read comics page
-add resources to links page
-animanga log
-video game log -video game log
2025/02/06 i've been so busy lately i haven't been able to work on the site much... i've mostly been reading robin 1993 in my free time, but there isn't a whole lot of that so... LOL hopefully i'll be able to get back into the swing of things soon :]
Dragon Cave: Adopt one today!