hello...! welcome to the landing page for my horror shrine. this is where i can rant and rave about my favorite spooky movies, comics, and games :]

how did this happen...? oh man, where to start...? i think i've loved the horror genre since i was 13 years old watching my first ever R rated film with a buddy while her parents were sleeping (it was cabin in the woods btw. which is an atrocious introduction to horror, i had none of the trope knowledge to appreciate that film. i thought the entire thing was idiotic from start to finish). i played corpse party shortly after watching tcitw, and followed that up with an rpg horror obsession fed constantly by the fact they were the only games i could get my hands on. when i moved out for college i lived close to a library with a massive selection of films and got into movies for the first time in my life and found i especially enjoyed horror.

why do you like horror so much...??? hoo boy, horror is such a misunderstood and controversial genre, but i'll try to make this quick. 1. i like when women get to win and stab their attackers and stare down the end of the world 2. i like making things gay, and horror makes it so easy, and 3. i love watching people perservere, i love watching them beat the odds, i love watching love blossom in the most difficult of times. i think a lot of horror is profoundly beautiful for its unique ability to explore people's capacity for resiliance and compassion and love. or maybe i'm just a freak idk man. i love making things that are not that deep sound deep.