warning: this page discusses the 2004 R-rated horror film Saw and contains descriptions of graphic violence and images containing blood and weapons. for a detailed list of applicable warnings hover over the following text: discussion of self-amputation, gun violence, torture, blunt force trauma, and kidnapping. this page contains full spoilers for Saw (2004), but no spoilers for the sequel films.

Saw (2004)
director: james wan
writer: leigh whannel

first watched: may 2024
times watched: 1
my rating: 4/5
fav character: adam faulkner-stanheight

IMDB description: "Two strangers awaken in a room with no recollection of how they got there, and soon discover they're pawns in a deadly game perpetrated by a notorious serial killer."

wow this movie is controversial. i remember before i watched it all i ever heard was "it's just torture porn". everyone i ever heard speak about this movie basically described it as having nothing of substance and only being for sick freaks to get their rocks off to gratuitous violence. i obviously disagree with this LOL. fun kel fact: i'm actually quite squeamish and had to cover my eyes for a few of the more violent scenes, particularly when lawrence sawed off his foot and for the razor wire trap. why do i mention this? well, i didn't really watch any of the more violent scenes, and i still found this movie incredibly fascinating and worthwhile. there is a lot of interest here and i was especially captivated by the development of the relationship between lawrence and adam throughout the film. i think that is a good segue into...


adam faulkner-stanheight
ADAM!!!! my fav my beloved my guy ever ♡♡♡♡ adam is very easily up there among my favorite horror characters of all time. i love him dearly. i watched this with a friend and we spent the entire movie making fun of lawrence and cheering adam on. he's so funny to me!!! the way he just doesn't react when kramer says lawrence has to kill him? incredible! he's just like. okay but you're not going to do it so it's fine :) like okay adam. i'm never going to get over him refering to the sawtrap as reality TV, like what kind of reality TV are you watching adam??? he is such a chill dude too? like when lawrence shoots him and then he immediately saves lawrences life? like whatever you say man. and his terrible acting!!! ough i love him so dearly. and none of this is even to mention his tguy failure vibes ♡ i decided he was trans almost immediately after seeing him for the first time (it's the posture and the loserness) and i was so happy to see that the fanbase agrees! something that devestated me was finding out the film is set in '01 not '04 because i just know adam would've had an incredible myspace account given the opportunity. anyways yeah, best character ♡♡♡

lawrence gordon
LAWRENCE!!! oh man i can't stand him♡♡♡ as i said earlier my friend and i spent the entire movie making fun of him :] literally as soon as he was getting investigated we knew he was a dirty cheater and we raked him over the fucking coals for it (still confused if he actually cheated on ali or not...? but even if he didn't the intention was clearly at least somewhat there so. he's a loser). i love lawrence so much, his sad dog eyes are out of this world. the way he hardly even reached for the phone before just hacking off his foot is unbelievably funny to me. like he was just fucking raring to go cut that thing off or something. like he was the one who originally figured out how to get the tape player and he still just immediately gives up and chooses the most extreme option. while yes there is a lot of interesting things you could consider in regards to his character and breakdown in this scene, i mainly just think it's hilarious. anyways i love him ♡ i don't have as much to say about him because to be quite honest i was mostly focused on adam throughout the film... but yeah i really liked him i thought he was funny and interesting :]

david tapp
TAPP!!!! he's my second favorite character in this film i love him so much!! i was cheering for him so so hard i can not stand zep. all my guys HATE zep i do not care about his circumstances he killed my guy!!! i love tapp so much he's so cool. like he literally survived having his throat slit thats sick!! he baffled me a little (why didn't he save diana and alison when he seemed to know they'd been kidnapped? etc.), but i really was just rooting for him the whole time :] also i think it's incredibly funny that he decided to go by fucking. bob. when interacting with adam. like what a name to choose. anyways he should've survived being shot idc like he is invincible to me.

alison gordon
alison was SO COOL! like i'm sorry but theres no way lawrence isn't gay with the way he fumbled THAT hard with someone as cool as alison. she didn't really get to do much except for that part at the beginning where she was like "i'd rather you tell me you hate me" like damn good for her for telling it how it is i guess, and then also when she grabbed the gun from zep. zep is honestly such a loser like how did he fuck up that bad... anyways. she's cool i hope she divorces lawrence so we can have a spring wedding.

other characters
diana was cool, i saw in the script that she likes pokemon so thats cool i actually do need her and adam to play pokemon together or i'll like. die. i also liked amanda. very tempted to watch the other saw movies specifically because of her. i do not like kramer because his last name is kramer and there can only be one kramer (kramer seinfeld. i don't even watch seinfeld but idc). also the murder was bad too. as we've established i am number one zep hater. sing's screen time was so tragically short. like i'm sorry but the scene where he's like. tapp. stop trying to find the murderer. come drink beer with me. was so funny like he seemed like he would've been a great character if he didn't like. die immediately.

lawrence gordon & adam faulkner-stanheight
um so. you can't blame me but adam begging lawrence not to leave him immediately after lawrence shot him made me soooooo sick. like. i'm never going to recover from that one. also lawrence promising to come back... leave me ALONE. he better... i'm like scared to watch the following movies... i liked their dynamic a lot throughout the movie though... like they're cute. adam being like lol you're a bitchass cheater and lawrence being like "I DIDNT CHEAT ON MY WIFE" in the most angry suspicious way possible is sooo funny to me. adam intentionally annoying lawrence too... cute... when i saw the scene where adam is begging lawrence to stay my immediate reaction was "that's the gif i always see on tumblr!" and i definitely understand now. huh. also wan and whannel calling it the love scene... don't talk to me...

my favorite fan-fictions

rematch by unstuckintime

characters: adam faulkner-stanheight, lawrence gordon, amanda young
relationships: adam faulkner-stanheight/lawrence gordon, adam faulkner-stanheight & amanda young
additional tags: time travel, fix-it

oooh man time loops my beloved ♡ this fic is so well written please please check it out, it tops kudos sort for a reason.

strip the paint by fiddlestick

characters: adam faulkner-stanheight, lawrence gordon, amanda young
relationships: adam faulkner-stanheight/lawrence gordon, adam faulkner-stanheight & amanda gordon
additional tags: snapshots, semi fix-it

strip the paint i love you... actually obsessed with the development of adam and lawrences relationship as well as adam and amanda's relationship throughout this fic. the scene at the end where adam and lawrence are driving together stuck to me like nothing else, same with the scene with amanda and adam in the laundry room. i need to take this interpretation of adam as a character and eat it. or put it in my pocket.