QUIZZES! (click to take them yourself!)
(i tied them LOL what a weird combo)

What Sonic Heroes Team Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
Which Pokemon Villain Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
What Dere Type Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
What Death Note Character Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
What Anime Hair Color Would You Have?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
What Genre Of Manga Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.

Which tarot card are you?

Which Junji Ito Character Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Sonic Heroes Team Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Which Pokemon Villain Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Dere Type Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Death Note Character Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Anime Hair Color Would You Have?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Genre Of Manga Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.

Which tarot card are you?

Which Junji Ito Character Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
hello :] welcome to overwinter about
page where you can... maybe learn about
me kelso. i am the webmaster here i
made this site to express myself and
improve my coding skills! i made my first
website in 2021 and have loved it ever since!
i spend a lot of my free time reading, watching movies, and playing video games, but i also enjoy crafts and writing. i'm a big fan of DC comics. if i had to describe myself shortly, i would say that i am a passionate and serious sort of person. i generally try my best to be fun loving and relaxed, but i also live a fairly regimented life. i'm always working towards a balance of not stressing myself out, finding the wonder in everything, and still striving to always do my best and give my life the respect i should. i enjoy learning more than pretty much anything, and yet i still don't understand how to use commas. i think they will always evade me.
i'm a college student studying for a career path i have no plans to persue, i really believe we should stop expecting sixteen year olds to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives, i'm a shining example of how that can blow up in a person's face. regardless, i enjoy my studies and strive to do my best. i'm simultaniously always busy and never busy, always stressed and always relaxed, and always the happiest and saddest i have ever been, so this website gets updated based on the whims of my professors and my anxieties.
in regards to how to refer to me, he/him and masculine terms are correct, however, you may see me refer to myself as a woman or with other feminine terms from time to time.
also i filled out this questionnaire :]
here are some of my favorite things:

comics get their own section because i like too many:
page where you can... maybe learn about
me kelso. i am the webmaster here i
made this site to express myself and
improve my coding skills! i made my first
website in 2021 and have loved it ever since!
i spend a lot of my free time reading, watching movies, and playing video games, but i also enjoy crafts and writing. i'm a big fan of DC comics. if i had to describe myself shortly, i would say that i am a passionate and serious sort of person. i generally try my best to be fun loving and relaxed, but i also live a fairly regimented life. i'm always working towards a balance of not stressing myself out, finding the wonder in everything, and still striving to always do my best and give my life the respect i should. i enjoy learning more than pretty much anything, and yet i still don't understand how to use commas. i think they will always evade me.
i'm a college student studying for a career path i have no plans to persue, i really believe we should stop expecting sixteen year olds to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives, i'm a shining example of how that can blow up in a person's face. regardless, i enjoy my studies and strive to do my best. i'm simultaniously always busy and never busy, always stressed and always relaxed, and always the happiest and saddest i have ever been, so this website gets updated based on the whims of my professors and my anxieties.
in regards to how to refer to me, he/him and masculine terms are correct, however, you may see me refer to myself as a woman or with other feminine terms from time to time.
also i filled out this questionnaire :]
here are some of my favorite things:

comics get their own section because i like too many: