hello, i am kelso (kel), the webmaster, welcome to my frankenstein's monster of a website, i hope you enjoy your stay. to describe myself in few words i would say i am... an intense or passionate sort of person. i made this website with the intention of sharing those passions.

i have quite a few hobbies, mainly i read comics and i code this site. but i also watch movies and TV. i really like over the top edgy shoujo anime and the nintendo DS. i build gundam models and i collect DVDs. i've also made a hobby of researching fandom, i could go on for hours about the intricacies of fan culture.

i love batman comics a whole lot, i would consider liking batman my "main thing". my favorite superhero of all time is oracle, so i mostly seek out comics with her in them. my second favorite character is red robin, but i also really like spoiler, red hood, tam fox talia al guhl, kf/impulse and robin. i have strong opinions on DC comics, but don't care if other people disagree. it's all for fun after all.

i filled out this questionnaire so if you want to learn more check there :]

lastly, i wasn't sure where to fit this in, but i use he/him pronouns exclusively.